Tuesday 12 July 2011

The Lake at Lowick's House

The lawns slope gently down to the lake where water lilies thrive near the edge. Hidden between the two large shrubs lies a secret bridge to a secret tiny island! There are large carp and pike in the lake which have evaded fishermen so far.

After lunch a few of us were energetic enough to walk all the way around the water's edge. With views like this, what writer would not be inspired to pen a bestseller!

1 comment:

  1. Gorgeous view!! just found your blog me and my mam have just found your books and became ingrossed in them :-) just wanted to stop by and say thank you for writing such amazing stories. I just finished the ophan child in 2 days just waiting for mam to finish a mothers sacrifice so i can pinch it off her. I alwasy wanted to write a novel but for some reason kept coming up with ideas which had already been wrote so after 2 pages I gave up :-( Thanks again and keep them coming xxx
